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Burger, Fries & Coke

Fun Lunch is a family favorite!  

Lester PTA volunteers work with local restaurants to cater lunch to students. We call it “Fun Lunch”- it’s a very popular PTA program and the students LOVE it! Past participating restaurants include (but are not limited to):

  • Chick-fil-A 

  • Giuliano’s Pizza

  • Culver’s 

  • Al’s Pizza

  • Lantern Pizza Company

Check back here for more details and for ordering dates for the 2024-2025 school year.


TO ORDER, please review the instructions below. 

(It's easier than it looks, we promise! Faster than packing a lunch!) 



● Go to

● If you are a returning user, LOG IN and use the email address and password you originally set up when you created your account. If you’ve forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot my Password” link on the sign-in page to recover your password. 

YOU MUST UPDATE YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER FOR THE 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR, otherwise their order will appear in the wrong class. To do this, click on the “Action” button to the right of the student’s name and follow the prompts. 

● Select the meals desired in November and December. You have to scroll to December on the calendar to see all of the dates. 


If your order was placed correctly, you will receive an email directly from HotLunchOnline confirming your order. Please check your spam folder! 

IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL, YOUR ORDER DID NOT GET PROCESSED CORRECTLY. Please call the website host at 866-529-2064 for assistance if you are receiving an error. 

● No hard copy orders will be accepted. 



● If this is the first time you are using the site, you will need to register and set up an account. 

● Go to 

● Click on “Create an Account” and you will be asked a few questions that will set up your account. 

● Enter a valid active email account that will be used to email your order confirmation. 

● Once registered, you will see a Welcome Page with step-by-step instructions for entering your student(s) and placing their orders. 

● Once you are logged in and your student is updated, go to the Order tab to start your order. 

● Select the meals desired in November and December. You have to scroll to December on the calendar to see all of the dates

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO COMPLETE THE CHECKOUT PROCESS OR YOUR ORDER WILL NOT BE PLACED. If your order was placed correctly you will receive an email directly from HotLunchOnline confirming your order. Please check your spam folder! 

IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION EMAIL, YOUR ORDER DID NOT GET PROCESSED CORRECTLY. Please call the website host at 866-529-2064 for assistance if you are receiving an error. 


If your child is absent on Fun Lunch Day, you can stop by the front doors after 11:45am and pick it up from a committee member. Otherwise, their lunch will be donated to the teacher’s lounge. There are no refunds for sick days. 

● Be sure to send a healthy fruit/veggie snack on Fun Lunch Days as you would on regular days. 

● You are responsible for knowing which Fun Lunch meals you purchased for your child. You can always log on to the site to check your order dates. 

● The PTA orders an EXACT number of lunches for each Fun Lunch date, and we only have enough for the children that have orders. You must send a lunch with your child if you did not place an order for a particular Fun Lunch day. 

PLEASE NOTE: Fun Lunch program is organized and run entirely by parent volunteers. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in following the guidelines and ensuring the program is a success!


If you have any questions, please contact

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